Hey and stuff.
Living in Chicago has many benefits that come with it. A great public transportation system, tons of music and sports, and even more great food.
It's that last one that really pleases my wife and I. We like us some good eats. Probably a little too much, do we like us some good eats.
It's ok. You know you do too.
What makes it better is that recently, not only have we tried to eat healthier, we've had to start eating around food allergies. One of the big offenders is gluten intolerance.
Don't you roll your eyes at us. It's a real thing shut up.
Fortunately, there are some really good vegetarian/vegan/gluten free places in Chicago. We have no problem continuing our quest towards gluttony here. Yay.
For example, we found a great pizza place that not only makes high quality pizza, but also delivers in our area AND offers gluten free crust. Now, I will admit, the regular crust is better than the gluten free crust, but it's still good both ways.
Yesterday we tried a different pizza concoction from their "gourmet" pizza menu. It was a garlic pesto something something. And it was super duper mediocre.
Seriously, we were pretty disappointed. Not because it tasted bad, but simply because it didn't taste anywhere close to as amazing as we had hoped it would be.
More importantly was the side effect that the massive amounts of garlic and pesto caused us. One word to describe the after effects would be "unpleasant". Two other words would be "holy crap!" (no pun intended. Actually, that was totally intended.) Eight other words would be "my god, what did you do in here?!?"
So, in hind site (or is that hind smell. Get it? Because it stinks. Never mind.), perhaps it wasn't the smartest thing we've ever chosen to eat.
It's like garlic is just being exuded from our pores. (In fact, it may well be exuding from our pores. Amongst other places.)
It's amazing what happens to your body based simply upon something you put inside of it. It turns out that whatever you do inside yourself has direct implications for what happens outside yourself. One very clearly creates the other.
No, we are no longer talking about garlic pizza.
You want to alter your world? You want to change the things around you?
Then change things inside you first. It's amazing how that effects everything else.
Just don't start with garlic.