Friday, December 27, 2013

Happy Holidays and Other Cheery Things!!

Greetings and pickles!

How was your Christmas?  Did you have presents and the meal of death and the family time?  Was it full of the awesome?  I hope you had a grand time.

We have been neck deep in family activities of one sort or another all week.  As such, there is no new post in the manner you may have been expecting.  I apologize and seek your forgiveness and understanding.  Even these few paragraphs I am writing now were only made possible because a few of the family members in my living room right at this moment (read: my parents) seem to have lapsed into some sort of temporary coma.

I'm sure they will be fine.  We poke them periodically to make sure it isn't permanent.

I hope you are all planning to have a fantastical New Year.  Do you have your resolutions ready?  All planned out and ready to execute?  And do you have the back up resolution in place for when the primary one goes sideways?

And have you prepared all the believable excuses for when both of them go wonky?  That's how it usually goes.  Don't try to lie to me.  We both know it's true.  If I had a dime for every time one of my resolutions went wrong I would own an entire planet.  Probably one of the useless planets, like Pluto.  Which, as it turns out, isn't really a planet anymore.  So, even when I fail, I can't fail properly.

I believe I have lost my train of whatever.

So, in the spirit of the new year I will leave you with these words as a consolation prize.

Don't do today what you can put off till tomorrow.

Hold on... let me try that again.

Ah, you know what I meant.  Resolutions are fun and they give us hope and something to look forward to.  But the only reason we get excited over them is because they are always in the future.  We know deep down that they don't actually have to be.  

Making positive change in our lives isn't about what we want to do in the future, but what we choose to do right now.  The only moment you are assured of is the one in which you exist.

Use it wisely.  And then use every moment you get to have after just as wisely.

Until next week...

Happy Almost New Year!

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